Source code for NEMtropy.graph_classes

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scipy
import os
from . import models_functions as mof
from . import solver_functions as sof
from . import network_functions as nef
from . import ensemble_generator as eg

[docs]class UndirectedGraph: """Undirected Graph instance can be initialised with adjacency matrix, edgelist, degrees sequence or strengths sequence. :param adjacency: Adjacency matrix, defaults to None. :type adjacency: numpy.ndarray, list or scipy.sparse_matrix, optional :param edgelist: edgelist, defaults to None. :type edgelist: numpy.ndarray, list, optional :param degree_sequence: degrees sequence, defaults to None. :type degree_sequence: numpy.ndarray, optional :param strength_sequence: strengths sequence, defaults to None. :type strength_sequence: numpy.ndarray, optional """ def __init__( self, adjacency=None, edgelist=None, degree_sequence=None, strength_sequence=None, ): self.n_nodes = None self.n_edges = None self.adjacency = None self.is_sparse = False self.edgelist = None self.dseq = None self.strength_sequence = None self.nodes_dict = None self.is_initialized = False self.is_randomized = False self.is_weighted = False self._initialize_graph( adjacency=adjacency, edgelist=edgelist, degree_sequence=degree_sequence, strength_sequence=strength_sequence, ) self.avg_mat = None self.initial_guess = None # Reduced problem parameters self.is_reduced = False self.r_dseq = None self.r_n = None self.r_invert_dseq = None self.r_dim = None self.r_multiplicity = None # Problem solutions self.x = None self.beta = None # reduced solutions self.r_x = None # Problem (reduced) residuals self.residuals = None self.final_result = None self.r_beta = None self.nz_index = None self.rnz_n = None # model self.x0 = None self.error = None self.error_degree = None self.relative_error_degree = None self.error_strength = None self.relative_error_strength = None self.full_return = False self.last_model = None # function self.args = None def _initialize_graph( self, adjacency=None, edgelist=None, degree_sequence=None, strength_sequence=None, ): # Here we can put controls over the type of input. For instance, if the graph is directed, # i.e. adjacency matrix is asymmetric, the class to use must be the DiGraph, # or if the graph is weighted (edgelist contains triplets or matrix is not binary) or bipartite if adjacency is not None: if not isinstance( adjacency, (list, np.ndarray) ) and not scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(adjacency): raise TypeError( "The adjacency matrix must be passed as a list or" "numpy array or scipy sparse matrix." ) elif adjacency.size > 0: if np.sum(adjacency < 0): raise TypeError( "The adjacency matrix entries must be positive." ) if isinstance( adjacency, list ): self.adjacency = np.array(adjacency) elif isinstance(adjacency, np.ndarray): self.adjacency = adjacency else: self.adjacency = adjacency self.is_sparse = True if np.sum(adjacency) == np.sum(adjacency > 0): self.dseq = else: self.dseq = self.strength_sequence = nef.strength(adjacency).astype( np.float64 ) self.nz_index = np.nonzero(self.strength_sequence)[0] self.is_weighted = True self.n_nodes = len(self.dseq) self.n_edges = np.sum(self.dseq)/2 self.is_initialized = True elif edgelist is not None: if not isinstance(edgelist, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "The edgelist must be passed as a list or numpy array." ) elif len(edgelist) > 0: if len(edgelist[0]) > 3: raise ValueError( "This is not an edgelist. An edgelist must be a list" "or array of couples of nodes with optional weights." "Is this an adjacency matrix?" ) elif len(edgelist[0]) == 2: ( self.edgelist, self.dseq, self.nodes_dict, ) = nef.edgelist_from_edgelist_undirected(edgelist) else: ( self.edgelist, self.dseq, self.strength_sequence, self.nodes_dict, ) = nef.edgelist_from_edgelist_undirected(edgelist) self.n_nodes = len(self.dseq) self.n_edges = np.sum(self.dseq)/2 self.is_initialized = True elif degree_sequence is not None: if not isinstance(degree_sequence, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "The degree sequence must be passed as a list or" "numpy array." ) elif len(degree_sequence) > 0: try: int(degree_sequence[0]) except: raise TypeError( "The degree sequence must contain numeric values." ) if (np.array(degree_sequence) < 0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError("A degree cannot be negative.") else: self.n_nodes = int(len(degree_sequence)) self.dseq = degree_sequence.astype(np.float64) self.n_edges = np.sum(self.dseq)/2 self.is_initialized = True if strength_sequence is not None: if not isinstance(strength_sequence, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "The strength sequence must be passed as a" "list or numpy array." ) elif len(strength_sequence): try: int(strength_sequence[0]) except: raise TypeError( "The strength sequence must contain numeric" "values." ) if (np.array(strength_sequence) < 0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError("A strength cannot be negative.") else: if len(strength_sequence) != len(degree_sequence): raise ValueError( "Degrees and strengths arrays must have" "same length." ) self.n_nodes = int(len(strength_sequence)) self.strength_sequence = strength_sequence.astype( np.float64 ) self.nz_index = np.nonzero(self.strength_sequence)[ 0 ] self.is_weighted = True self.is_initialized = True elif strength_sequence is not None: if not isinstance(strength_sequence, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "The strength sequence must be passed as a list" "or numpy array." ) elif len(strength_sequence): try: int(strength_sequence[0]) except: raise TypeError( "The strength sequence must contain numeric values." ) if (np.array(strength_sequence) < 0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError("A strength cannot be negative.") else: self.n_nodes = int(len(strength_sequence)) self.strength_sequence = strength_sequence self.nz_index = np.nonzero(self.strength_sequence)[0] self.is_weighted = True self.is_initialized = True
[docs] def set_adjacency_matrix(self, adjacency): """Initialises graph given the adjacency matrix. :param adjacency: ajdacency matrix. :type adjacency: numpy.ndarray, list, scipy.sparse_matrix """ if self.is_initialized: print( "Graph already contains edges or has a degree sequence." "Use clean_edges() first." ) else: self._initialize_graph(adjacency=adjacency)
[docs] def set_edgelist(self, edgelist): """Initialises graph given the edgelist. :param edgelist: edgelist. :type edgelist: numpy.ndarray, list """ if self.is_initialized: print( "Graph already contains edges or has a degree sequence." "Use clean_edges() first." ) else: self._initialize_graph(edgelist=edgelist)
[docs] def set_degree_sequences(self, degree_sequence): """Initialises graph given the degrees sequence. :param degree_sequence: degrees sequence. :type degree_sequence: numpy.ndarray """ if self.is_initialized: print( "Graph already contains edges or has a degree sequence." "Use clean_edges() first." ) else: self._initialize_graph(degree_sequence=degree_sequence)
[docs] def clean_edges(self): """Deletes all the initialiased attributes. """ self.adjacency = None self.edgelist = None self.deg_seq = None self.is_initialized = False
def _solve_problem( self, initial_guess=None, model="cm", method="quasinewton", max_steps=100, tol=1e-8, eps=1e-8, full_return=False, verbose=False, linsearch=True, regularise=True, ): self.last_model = model self.full_return = full_return self.initial_guess = initial_guess self.regularise = regularise self._initialize_problem(self.last_model, method) x0 = self.x0 sol = sof.solver( x0,, fun_jac=self.fun_jac, step_fun=self.step_fun, linsearch_fun=self.fun_linsearch, hessian_regulariser=self.hessian_regulariser, tol=tol, eps=eps, max_steps=max_steps, method=method, verbose=verbose, regularise=regularise, full_return=full_return, linsearch=linsearch, ) self._set_solved_problem(sol) def _set_solved_problem_cm(self, solution): if self.full_return: self.r_xy = solution[0] self.comput_time = solution[1] self.n_steps = solution[2] self.norm_seq = solution[3] self.diff_seq = solution[4] self.alfa_seq = solution[5] else: self.r_xy = solution self.r_x = self.r_xy if self.last_model == "cm": self.x = self.r_x[self.r_invert_dseq] elif self.last_model == "cm_exp": self.x = np.exp(-self.r_x[self.r_invert_dseq]) def _set_solved_problem(self, solution): model = self.last_model if model in ["cm", "cm_exp"]: self._set_solved_problem_cm(solution) elif model in ["ecm", "ecm_exp"]: self._set_solved_problem_ecm(solution) elif model in ["crema", "crema-sparse"]: self._set_solved_problem_crema_undirected(solution)
[docs] def degree_reduction(self): """ Carries out degree reduction for UBCM. The graph should be initialized. """ self.r_dseq, self.r_index_dseq, self.r_invert_dseq, self.r_multiplicity = np.unique( self.dseq, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True, axis=0, ) self.rnz_n = self.r_dseq.size self.is_reduced = True
def _set_initial_guess(self, model): if model in ["cm", "cm_exp"]: self._set_initial_guess_cm() elif model in ["ecm", "ecm_exp"]: self._set_initial_guess_ecm() elif model in ["crema", "crema-sparse"]: self._set_initial_guess_crema_undirected() def _set_initial_guess_cm(self): if ~self.is_reduced: self.degree_reduction() if isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): self.r_x = self.initial_guess[self.r_index_dseq] elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.initial_guess == "degrees_minor": self.r_x = self.r_dseq / ( np.sqrt(self.n_edges) + 1 ) # This +1 increases the stability of the solutions. elif self.initial_guess == "random": self.r_x = np.random.rand(self.rnz_n).astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "uniform": self.r_x = 0.5 * np.ones( self.rnz_n, dtype=np.float64 ) # All probabilities will be 1/2 initially elif self.initial_guess == "degrees": self.r_x = self.r_dseq.astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "chung_lu": self.r_x = self.r_dseq.astype(np.float64)/(2*self.n_edges) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not an available initial guess'.format( self.initial_guess ) ) else: raise TypeError('initial_guess must be str or numpy.ndarray') self.r_x[self.r_dseq == 0] = 0 if isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.last_model == "cm": self.x0 = self.r_x elif self.last_model == "cm_exp": self.r_x[self.r_x != 0] = -np.log(self.r_x[self.r_x != 0]) self.x0 = self.r_x elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): self.x0 = self.r_x def _set_initial_guess_crema_undirected(self): if isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): self.beta = self.initial_guess elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.initial_guess == "strengths": self.beta = (self.strength_sequence > 0).astype( float ) / self.strength_sequence.sum() elif self.initial_guess == "strengths_minor": self.beta = (self.strength_sequence > 0).astype(float) / ( self.strength_sequence + 1 ) elif self.initial_guess == "random": self.beta = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not an available initial guess'.format( self.initial_guess ) ) else: raise TypeError('initial_guess must be str or numpy.ndarray') self.beta[self.strength_sequence == 0] = 0 self.x0 = self.beta def _set_initial_guess_ecm(self): if isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): self.x = self.initial_guess[:self.n_nodes] self.y = self.initial_guess[self.n_nodes:] elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.initial_guess == "strengths": self.x = self.dseq.astype(float) / ( self.n_edges + 1 ) # This +1 increases the stability of the solutions. self.y = ( self.strength_sequence.astype(float) / self.strength_sequence.sum() ) elif self.initial_guess == "strengths_minor": self.x = np.ones_like(self.dseq, dtype=np.float64) / ( self.dseq + 1 ) self.y = np.ones_like(self.strength_sequence, dtype=np.float64) / ( self.strength_sequence + 1 ) elif self.initial_guess == "random": self.x = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) self.y = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "uniform": self.x = 0.001 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) self.y = 0.001 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not an available initial guess'.format( self.initial_guess ) ) else: raise TypeError('initial_guess must be str or numpy.ndarray') self.x[self.dseq == 0] = 0 self.y[self.strength_sequence == 0] = 0 if isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.last_model == "ecm": self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.x, self.y)) elif self.last_model == "ecm_exp": self.x[self.x != 0] = -np.log(self.x[self.x != 0]) self.y[self.y != 0] = -np.log(self.y[self.y != 0]) self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.x, self.y)) elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.x, self.y)) # DA SISTEMARE def _solution_error(self): if self.last_model in ["cm", "cm_exp", "crema", "crema-sparse"]: if self.x is not None: ex_k = mof.expected_degree_cm(self.x) # print(k, ex_k) self.expected_dseq = ex_k # error output self.error_degree = np.linalg.norm(ex_k - self.dseq, ord=np.inf) self.relative_error_degree = np.linalg.norm((ex_k - self.dseq)/(self.dseq + np.exp(-100)), ord=np.inf) self.error = self.error_degree if self.beta is not None: if self.is_sparse: ex_s = mof.expected_strength_crema_undirected_sparse( self.beta, self.adjacency_crema ) else: ex_s = mof.expected_strength_crema_undirected( self.beta, self.adjacency_crema ) self.expected_stregth_seq = ex_s # error output self.error_strength = np.linalg.norm( ex_s - self.strength_sequence, ord=np.inf ) self.relative_error_strength = np.max( abs( (ex_s - self.strength_sequence) / (self.strength_sequence + np.exp(-100)) ) ) if self.adjacency_given: self.error = self.error_strength else: self.error = max(self.error_strength, self.error_degree) # potremmo strutturarlo così per evitare ridondanze elif self.last_model in ["ecm", "ecm_exp"]: sol = np.concatenate((self.x, self.y)) ex = mof.expected_ecm(sol) k = np.concatenate((self.dseq, self.strength_sequence)) self.expected_dseq = ex[: self.n_nodes] self.expected_strength_seq = ex[self.n_nodes:] # error output self.error_degree = np.linalg.norm(self.expected_dseq - self.dseq, ord=np.inf) self.error_strength = np.linalg.norm(self.expected_strength_seq - self.strength_sequence, ord=np.inf) self.relative_error_strength = max( abs( (self.strength_sequence - self.expected_strength_seq)/self.strength_sequence ) ) self.relative_error_degree = max( abs( (self.dseq - self.expected_dseq)/self.dseq ) ) self.error = max(self.error_strength, self.error_degree) def _set_args(self, model): if model in ["crema", "crema-sparse"]: self.args = ( self.strength_sequence, self.adjacency_crema, self.nz_index, ) elif model in ["cm", "cm_exp"]: self.args = (self.r_dseq, self.r_multiplicity) elif model in ["ecm", "ecm_exp"]: self.args = (self.dseq, self.strength_sequence) def _initialize_problem(self, model, method): self._set_initial_guess(model) self._set_args(model) mod_met = "-" mod_met = mod_met.join([model, method]) d_fun = { "cm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_cm(x, self.args), "cm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_cm(x, self.args), "cm-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.iterative_cm(x, self.args), "crema-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_crema_undirected( x, self.args ), "crema-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_crema_undirected( x, self.args ), "crema-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.iterative_crema_undirected(x, self.args), "ecm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_ecm(x, self.args), "ecm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_ecm( x, self.args ), "ecm-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.iterative_ecm(x, self.args), "crema-sparse-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_crema_undirected_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_crema_undirected_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.iterative_crema_undirected_sparse( x, self.args ), "cm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_cm_exp( x, self.args ), "cm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_cm_exp( x, self.args ), "cm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.iterative_cm_exp(x, self.args), "ecm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_ecm_exp( x, self.args ), "ecm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_ecm_exp( x, self.args ), "ecm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.iterative_ecm_exp(x, self.args), } d_fun_jac = { "cm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_cm(x, self.args), "cm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_cm( x, self.args ), "cm-fixed-point": None, "crema-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_crema_undirected( x, self.args ), "crema-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_crema_undirected( x, self.args ), "crema-fixed-point": None, "ecm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_ecm(x, self.args), "ecm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_ecm( x, self.args ), "ecm-fixed-point": None, "crema-sparse-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_crema_undirected( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_crema_undirected_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-fixed-point": None, "cm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_cm_exp( x, self.args ), "cm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_cm_exp( x, self.args ), "cm_exp-fixed-point": None, "ecm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_ecm_exp( x, self.args ), "ecm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_ecm_exp( x, self.args ), "ecm_exp-fixed-point": None, } d_fun_stop = { "cm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_cm(x, self.args), "cm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_cm(x, self.args), "cm-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_cm(x, self.args), "crema-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_undirected(x, self.args), "crema-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_undirected( x, self.args ), "crema-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_undirected( x, self.args ), "ecm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_ecm(x, self.args), "ecm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_ecm(x, self.args), "ecm-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_ecm(x, self.args), "crema-sparse-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_undirected_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_undirected_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_undirected_sparse( x, self.args ), "cm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_cm_exp(x, self.args), "cm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_cm_exp( x, self.args ), "cm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_cm_exp( x, self.args ), "ecm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_ecm_exp(x, self.args), "ecm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_ecm_exp( x, self.args ), "ecm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_ecm_exp( x, self.args ), } try: = d_fun[mod_met] self.fun_jac = d_fun_jac[mod_met] self.step_fun = d_fun_stop[mod_met] except: raise ValueError( 'Method must be "newton","quasi-newton", or "fixed-point".' ) d_pmatrix = { "cm": mof.pmatrix_cm, "cm_exp": mof.pmatrix_cm, } if model in ["cm", "cm_exp"]: self.args_p = (self.n_nodes, np.nonzero(self.dseq)[0]) self.fun_pmatrix = lambda x: d_pmatrix[model](x, self.args_p) args_lin = { "cm": (mof.loglikelihood_cm, self.args), "crema": (mof.loglikelihood_crema_undirected, self.args), "crema-sparse": (mof.loglikelihood_crema_undirected_sparse, self.args), "ecm": (mof.loglikelihood_ecm, self.args), "cm_exp": (mof.loglikelihood_cm_exp, self.args), "ecm_exp": (mof.loglikelihood_ecm_exp, self.args), } self.args_lins = args_lin[model] lins_fun = { "cm-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_CM(x, self.args_lins), "cm-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_CM(x, self.args_lins), "cm-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_CM_fixed(x), "crema-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_undirected(x, self.args_lins), "crema-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_undirected(x, self.args_lins), "crema-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_undirected_fixed(x), "crema-sparse-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_undirected(x, self.args_lins), "crema-sparse-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_undirected(x, self.args_lins), "crema-sparse-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_undirected_fixed(x), "ecm-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_ECM(x, self.args_lins), "ecm-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_ECM(x, self.args_lins), "ecm-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_ECM_fixed(x), "cm_exp-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_CM_exp(x, self.args_lins), "cm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_CM_exp(x, self.args_lins), "cm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_CM_exp_fixed(x), "ecm_exp-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_ECM_exp(x, self.args_lins), "ecm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_ECM_exp(x, self.args_lins), "ecm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_ECM_exp_fixed(x) } self.fun_linsearch = lins_fun[mod_met] hess_reg = { "cm": sof.matrix_regulariser_function_eigen_based, "cm_exp": sof.matrix_regulariser_function, "ecm": sof.matrix_regulariser_function_eigen_based, "ecm_exp": sof.matrix_regulariser_function, "crema": sof.matrix_regulariser_function, "crema-sparse": sof.matrix_regulariser_function, } self.hessian_regulariser = hess_reg[model] if isinstance(self.regularise, str): if self.regularise == "eigenvalues": self.hessian_regulariser = sof.matrix_regulariser_function_eigen_based elif self.regularise == "identity": self.hessian_regulariser = hessian_regulariser_function def _solve_problem_crema_undirected( self, initial_guess=None, model="crema", adjacency="cm", method="quasinewton", method_adjacency="newton", initial_guess_adjacency="random", max_steps=100, tol=1e-8, eps=1e-8, full_return=False, verbose=False, linsearch=True, regularise=True, ): if model == "crema-sparse": self.is_sparse = True else: self.is_sparse = False if not isinstance(adjacency, (list, np.ndarray, str)) and ( not scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(adjacency) ): raise ValueError("adjacency must be a matrix or a method") elif isinstance(adjacency, str): # aggiungere check sul modello passato per l'adjacency matrix self._solve_problem( initial_guess=initial_guess_adjacency, model=adjacency, method=method_adjacency, max_steps=max_steps, tol=tol, eps=eps, full_return=full_return, verbose=verbose, linsearch=linsearch, regularise=regularise ) if self.is_sparse: self.adjacency_crema = (self.x,) self.adjacency_given = False else: pmatrix = self.fun_pmatrix(self.x) raw_ind, col_ind = np.nonzero(np.triu(pmatrix)) raw_ind = raw_ind.astype(np.int64) col_ind = col_ind.astype(np.int64) weigths_value = pmatrix[raw_ind, col_ind] self.adjacency_crema = (raw_ind, col_ind, weigths_value) self.is_sparse = False self.adjacency_given = False elif isinstance(adjacency, list): adjacency = np.array(adjacency).astype(np.float64) raw_ind, col_ind = np.nonzero(np.triu(adjacency)) raw_ind = raw_ind.astype(np.int64) col_ind = col_ind.astype(np.int64) weigths_value = adjacency[raw_ind, col_ind] self.adjacency_crema = (raw_ind, col_ind, weigths_value) self.is_sparse = False self.adjacency_given = True elif isinstance(adjacency, np.ndarray): adjacency = adjacency.astype(np.float64) raw_ind, col_ind = np.nonzero(np.triu(adjacency)) raw_ind = raw_ind.astype(np.int64) col_ind = col_ind.astype(np.int64) weigths_value = adjacency[raw_ind, col_ind] self.adjacency_crema = (raw_ind, col_ind, weigths_value) self.is_sparse = False self.adjacency_given = True elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(adjacency): raw_ind, col_ind = scipy.sparse.triu(adjacency).nonzero() raw_ind = raw_ind.astype(np.int64) col_ind = col_ind.astype(np.int64) weigths_value = (adjacency[raw_ind, col_ind].A1).astype(np.float64) self.adjacency_crema = (raw_ind, col_ind, weigths_value) self.is_sparse = False self.adjacency_given = True if self.is_sparse: self.last_model = "crema-sparse" else: self.last_model = model linsearch = linsearch regularise = regularise self.regularise = regularise self.full_return = full_return self.initial_guess = initial_guess self._initialize_problem(self.last_model, method) x0 = self.x0 sol = sof.solver( x0,, fun_jac=self.fun_jac, step_fun=self.step_fun, linsearch_fun=self.fun_linsearch, hessian_regulariser=self.hessian_regulariser, tol=tol, eps=eps, max_steps=max_steps, method=method, verbose=verbose, regularise=regularise, linsearch=linsearch, full_return=full_return, ) self._set_solved_problem(sol) def _set_solved_problem_crema_undirected(self, solution): if self.full_return: self.beta = solution[0] self.comput_time_crema = solution[1] self.n_steps_crema = solution[2] self.norm_seq_crema = solution[3] self.diff_seq_crema = solution[4] self.alfa_seq_crema = solution[5] else: self.beta = solution def _set_solved_problem_ecm(self, solution): if self.full_return: self.r_xy = solution[0] self.comput_time = solution[1] self.n_steps = solution[2] self.norm_seq = solution[3] self.diff_seq = solution[4] self.alfa_seq = solution[5] else: self.r_xy = solution if self.last_model == "ecm": self.x = self.r_xy[: self.n_nodes] self.y = self.r_xy[self.n_nodes:] elif self.last_model == "ecm_exp": self.x = np.exp(-self.r_xy[:self.n_nodes]) self.y = np.exp(-self.r_xy[self.n_nodes:])
[docs] def solve_tool( self, model, method, initial_guess=None, adjacency="cm_exp", method_adjacency="newton", initial_guess_adjacency="random", max_steps=100, full_return=False, verbose=False, linsearch=True, tol=1e-8, eps=1e-8, ): """The function solves the ERGM optimization problem from a range of available models. The user can choose among three optimization methods. The graph should be initialized. :param model: Available models are: - *cm*: solves UBCM respect to the parameters *x* of the mof.loglikelihood function, it works for uweighted undirected graphs [insert ref]. - *cm_exp*: differently from the *cm* option, *cm_exp* considers the exponents of *x* as parameters [insert ref]. - *ecm*: solves UECM respect to the parameters *x* and *y* of the mof.loglikelihood function, it is conceived for weighted undirected graphs [insert ref]. - *ecm_exp*: differently from the *ecm* option, *ecm_exp* considers the exponents of *x* and *y* as parameters [insert ref]. - *crema*: solves CReMa for a weighted undirectd graphs. In order to compute beta parameters, it requires information about the binary structure of the network. These can be provided by the user by using *adjacency* paramenter. - *crema-sparse*: alternative implementetio of *crema* for large graphs. The *creama-sparse* model doesn't compute the binary probability matrix avoing memory problems for large graphs. :type model: str :param method: Available methods to solve the given *model* are: - *newton*: uses Newton-Rhapson method to solve the selected model, it can be memory demanding for *crema* because it requires the computation of the entire Hessian matrix. This method is not available for *creama-sparse*. - *quasinewton*: uses Newton-Rhapson method with Hessian matrix approximated by its principal diagonal to find parameters maximising mof.loglikelihood function. - *fixed-point*: uses a fixed-point method to find parameters maximising mof.loglikelihood function. :type method: str :param initial_guess: Starting point solution may affect the results of the optization process. The user can provid an initial guess or choose between the following options: - **Binary Models**: - *random*: random numbers in (0, 1); - *uniform*: uniform initial guess in (0, 1); - *degrees*: initial guess of each node is proportianal to its degree; - *degrees_minor*: initial guess of each node is inversely proportional to its degree; - *chung_lu*: initial guess given by Chung-Lu formula; - **Weighted Models**: - *random*: random numbers in (0, 1); - *uniform*: uniform initial guess in (0, 1); - *strengths*: initial guess of each node is proportianal to its stength; - *strengths_minor*: initial guess of each node is inversely proportional to its strength; :type initial_guess: str, optional :param adjacency: Adjacency can be a binary method (defaults is *cm_exp*) or an adjacency matrix. :type adjacency: str or numpy.ndarray, optional :param method_adjacency: If adjacency is a *model*, it is the *methdod* used to solve it. Defaults to "newton". :type method_adjacency: str, optional :param initial_guess_adjacency: If adjacency is a *model*, it is the chosen initial guess. Defaults to "random". :type initial_guess_adjacency: str, optional :param max_steps: maximum number of iteration, defaults to 100. :type max_steps: int, optional :param full_return: If True the algorithm returns more statistics than the obtained solution, defaults to False. :type full_return: bool, optional :param verbose: If True the algorithm prints a bunch of statistics at each step, defaults to False. :type verbose: bool, optional :param linsearch: If True the linsearch function is active, defaults to True. :type linsearch: bool, optional :param tol: parameter controlling the tollerance of the norm the gradient function, defaults to 1e-8. :type tol: float, optional :param eps: parameter controlling the tollerance of the difference between two iterations, defaults to 1e-8. :type eps: float, optional """ # TODO: aggiungere tutti i metodi if model in ["cm", "cm_exp", "ecm", "ecm_exp"]: self._solve_problem( initial_guess=initial_guess, model=model, method=method, max_steps=max_steps, full_return=full_return, verbose=verbose, linsearch=linsearch, tol=tol, eps=eps, ) elif model in ["crema", "crema-sparse"]: self._solve_problem_crema_undirected( initial_guess=initial_guess, model=model, adjacency=adjacency, method=method, method_adjacency=method_adjacency, initial_guess_adjacency=initial_guess_adjacency, max_steps=max_steps, full_return=full_return, verbose=verbose, linsearch=linsearch, tol=tol, eps=eps, ) self._solution_error() if verbose: print("\nmin eig = {}".format(self.error))
[docs] def ensemble_sampler(self, n, cpu_n=1, output_dir="sample/", seed=42): """The function sample a given number of graphs in the ensemble generated from the last model solved. Each grpah is an edgelist written in the output directory as `.txt` file. The function is parallelised and can run on multiple cpus. :param n: Number of graphs to sample. :type n: int :param cpu_n: Number of cpus to use, defaults to 1. :type cpu_n: int, optional :param output_dir: Name of the output directory, defaults to "sample/". :type output_dir: str, optional :param seed: Random seed, defaults to 42. :type seed: int, optional :raises ValueError: [description] """ # al momento funziona solo sull'ultimo problema risolto # create the output directory if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # compute the sample # seed specification np.random.seed(seed) s = [np.random.randint(0, 1000000) for i in range(n)] if self.last_model in ["cm", "cm_exp"]: iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_cm_graph( outfile_name=item, x=self.x, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 elif self.last_model in ["ecm", "ecm_exp"]: iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_ecm_graph( outfile_name=item, x=self.x, y=self.y, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 elif self.last_model in ["crema"]: if self.adjacency_given: # deterministic adj matrix iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_crema_ecm_det_graph( outfile_name=item, beta=self.beta, adj=self.adjacency_crema, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 else: # probabilistic adj matrix iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_crema_ecm_prob_graph( outfile_name=item, beta=self.beta, adj=self.adjacency_crema, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 elif self.last_model in ["crema-sparse"]: if not self.adjacency_given: # probabilistic adj matrix iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_crema_sparse_ecm_prob_graph( outfile_name=item, beta=self.beta, adj=self.adjacency_crema, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 else: raise ValueError("insert a model")
[docs]class DirectedGraph: """Directed graph instance can be initialised with adjacency matrix, edgelist, degree sequence or strengths sequence. :param adjacency: Adjacency matrix, defaults to None. :type adjacency: numpy.ndarray, list, scipy.sparse_matrix, optional :param edgelist: edgelist, defaults to None. :type edgelist: numpy.ndarray, list, optional :param degree_sequence: degrees sequence, defaults to None. :type degree_sequence: numpy.ndarray, optional :param strength_sequence: strengths sequence, defaults to None. :type strength_sequence: numpy.ndarray, optional """ def __init__( self, adjacency=None, edgelist=None, degree_sequence=None, strength_sequence=None, ): self.n_nodes = None self.n_edges = None self.adjacency = None self.is_sparse = False self.edgelist = None self.dseq = None self.dseq_out = None self.dseq_in = None self.out_strength = None self.in_strength = None self.nz_index_sout = None self.nz_index_sin = None self.nodes_dict = None self.is_initialized = False self.is_randomized = False self.is_weighted = False self._initialize_graph( adjacency=adjacency, edgelist=edgelist, degree_sequence=degree_sequence, strength_sequence=strength_sequence, ) self.avg_mat = None self.initial_guess = None # Reduced problem parameters self.is_reduced = False self.r_dseq = None self.r_dseq_out = None self.r_dseq_in = None self.r_n_out = None self.r_n_in = None self.r_invert_dseq = None self.r_invert_dseq_out = None self.r_invert_dseq_in = None self.r_dim = None self.r_multiplicity = None # Problem solutions self.x = None self.y = None self.xy = None self.b_out = None self.b_in = None # reduced solutions self.r_x = None self.r_y = None self.r_xy = None # Problem (reduced) residuals self.residuals = None self.final_result = None self.r_beta = None # non-zero indices self.nz_index_out = None self.rnz_dseq_out = None self.nz_index_in = None self.rnz_dseq_in = None # model self.x0 = None self.error = None self.error_degree = None self.relative_error_degree = None self.error_strength = None self.relative_error_strength = None self.full_return = False self.last_model = None # functen self.args = None def _initialize_graph( self, adjacency=None, edgelist=None, degree_sequence=None, strength_sequence=None, ): if adjacency is not None: if not isinstance( adjacency, (list, np.ndarray) ) and not scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(adjacency): raise TypeError( ("The adjacency matrix must be passed as a list or numpy" " array or scipy sparse matrix.") ) elif adjacency.size > 0: if np.sum(adjacency < 0): raise TypeError( "The adjacency matrix entries must be positive." ) if isinstance( adjacency, list ): # Cast it to a numpy array: if it is given as a list # it should not be too large self.adjacency = np.array(adjacency) elif isinstance(adjacency, np.ndarray): self.adjacency = adjacency else: self.adjacency = adjacency self.is_sparse = True if np.sum(adjacency) == np.sum(adjacency > 0): self.dseq_in = nef.in_degree(adjacency) self.dseq_out = nef.out_degree(adjacency) else: self.dseq_in = nef.in_degree(adjacency) self.dseq_out = nef.out_degree(adjacency) self.in_strength = nef.in_strength(adjacency).astype( np.float64 ) self.out_strength = nef.out_strength(adjacency).astype( np.float64 ) self.nz_index_sout = np.nonzero(self.out_strength)[0] self.nz_index_sin = np.nonzero(self.in_strength)[0] self.is_weighted = True self.n_nodes = len(self.dseq_out) self.n_edges = np.sum(self.dseq_out) self.is_initialized = True elif edgelist is not None: if not isinstance(edgelist, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "The edgelist must be passed as a list or numpy array." ) elif len(edgelist) > 0: if len(edgelist[0]) > 3: raise ValueError( ("This is not an edgelist. An edgelist must be a list" " or array of couples of nodes with optional weights." " Is this an adjacency matrix?") ) elif len(edgelist[0]) == 2: ( self.edgelist, self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in, self.nodes_dict, ) = nef.edgelist_from_edgelist_directed(edgelist) else: ( self.edgelist, self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in, self.out_strength, self.in_strength, self.nodes_dict, ) = nef.edgelist_from_edgelist_directed(edgelist) self.n_nodes = len(self.dseq_out) self.n_edges = np.sum(self.dseq_out) self.is_initialized = True elif degree_sequence is not None: if not isinstance(degree_sequence, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( ("The degree sequence must be passed as a list" " or numpy array.") ) elif len(degree_sequence) > 0: try: int(degree_sequence[0]) except: # TODO: bare exception raise TypeError( "The degree sequence must contain numeric values." ) if (np.array(degree_sequence) < 0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError("A degree cannot be negative.") else: if len(degree_sequence) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError( "Strength-in/out arrays must have same length." ) self.n_nodes = int(len(degree_sequence) / 2) self.dseq_out = degree_sequence[: self.n_nodes] self.dseq_in = degree_sequence[self.n_nodes:] self.n_edges = np.sum(self.dseq_out) self.is_initialized = True if strength_sequence is not None: if not isinstance(strength_sequence, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( ("The strength sequence must be passed as a" " list or numpy array.") ) elif len(strength_sequence): try: int(strength_sequence[0]) except: # TODO: bare exception to check raise TypeError( ("The strength sequence must contain" " numeric values.") ) if (np.array(strength_sequence) < 0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError("A strength cannot be negative.") else: if len(strength_sequence) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError( ("Strength-in/out arrays must have" " same length.") ) self.n_nodes = int(len(strength_sequence) / 2) self.out_strength = strength_sequence[ : self.n_nodes ] self.in_strength = strength_sequence[ self.n_nodes: ] self.nz_index_sout = np.nonzero(self.out_strength)[ 0 ] self.nz_index_sin = np.nonzero(self.in_strength)[0] self.is_weighted = True self.is_initialized = True elif strength_sequence is not None: if not isinstance(strength_sequence, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( ("The strength sequence must be passed as a list or" " numpy array.") ) elif len(strength_sequence): try: int(strength_sequence[0]) except: # TODO: bare exception raise TypeError( "The strength sequence must contain numeric values." ) if (np.array(strength_sequence) < 0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError("A strength cannot be negative.") else: if len(strength_sequence) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError( "Strength-in/out arrays must have same length." ) self.n_nodes = int(len(strength_sequence) / 2) self.out_strength = strength_sequence[: self.n_nodes] self.in_strength = strength_sequence[self.n_nodes:] self.nz_index_sout = np.nonzero(self.out_strength)[0] self.nz_index_sin = np.nonzero(self.in_strength)[0] self.is_weighted = True self.is_initialized = True
[docs] def set_adjacency_matrix(self, adjacency): """Initializes a graph from the adjacency matrix. :param adjacency: Adjacency matrix. :type adjacency: numpy.ndarray, list, scipy.sparse_matrix """ if self.is_initialized: print( ("Graph already contains edges or has a degree sequence." " Use clean_edges() first.") ) else: self._initialize_graph(adjacency=adjacency)
[docs] def set_edgelist(self, edgelist): """Initializes a graph from the edgelist. :param adjacency: Edgelist :type adjacency: numpy.ndarray, list """ if self.is_initialized: print( ("Graph already contains edges or has a degree sequence." " Use clean_edges() first.") ) else: self._initialize_graph(edgelist=edgelist)
[docs] def set_degree_sequences(self, degree_sequence): """Initializes graph from the degrees sequence. :param adjacency: Degrees sequence :type adjacency: numpy.ndarray """ if self.is_initialized: print( ("Graph already contains edges or has a degree sequence." " Use clean_edges() first.") ) else: self._initialize_graph(degree_sequence=degree_sequence)
[docs] def clean_edges(self): """Deletes all initialized graph attributes """ self.adjacency = None self.edgelist = None self.deg_seq = None self.is_initialized = False
def _solve_problem( self, initial_guess=None, # TODO:aggiungere un default a initial guess model="dcm", method="quasinewton", max_steps=100, tol=1e-8, eps=1e-8, full_return=False, verbose=False, linsearch=True, regularise=True, regularise_eps=1e-3, ): self.last_model = model self.full_return = full_return self.initial_guess = initial_guess self.regularise = regularise self._initialize_problem(model, method) x0 = self.x0 sol = sof.solver( x0,, fun_jac=self.fun_jac, step_fun=self.step_fun, linsearch_fun=self.fun_linsearch, hessian_regulariser=self.hessian_regulariser, tol=tol, eps=eps, max_steps=max_steps, method=method, verbose=verbose, regularise=self.regularise, regularise_eps=regularise_eps, full_return=full_return, linsearch=linsearch, ) self._set_solved_problem(sol) def _set_solved_problem_dcm(self, solution): if self.full_return: self.r_xy = solution[0] self.comput_time = solution[1] self.n_steps = solution[2] self.norm_seq = solution[3] self.diff_seq = solution[4] self.alfa_seq = solution[5] else: self.r_xy = solution self.r_x = self.r_xy[: self.rnz_n_out] self.r_y = self.r_xy[self.rnz_n_out:] self.x = self.r_x[self.r_invert_dseq] self.y = self.r_y[self.r_invert_dseq] def _set_solved_problem_dcm_exp(self, solution): if self.full_return: # conversion from theta to x self.r_xy = np.exp(-solution[0]) self.comput_time = solution[1] self.n_steps = solution[2] self.norm_seq = solution[3] self.diff_seq = solution[4] self.alfa_seq = solution[5] else: # conversion from theta to x self.r_xy = np.exp(-solution) self.r_x = self.r_xy[: self.rnz_n_out] self.r_y = self.r_xy[self.rnz_n_out:] self.x = self.r_x[self.r_invert_dseq] self.y = self.r_y[self.r_invert_dseq] def _set_solved_problem_decm(self, solution): if self.full_return: self.r_xy = solution[0] self.comput_time = solution[1] self.n_steps = solution[2] self.norm_seq = solution[3] self.diff_seq = solution[4] self.alfa_seq = solution[5] else: self.r_xy = solution self.x = self.r_xy[: self.n_nodes] self.y = self.r_xy[self.n_nodes: 2 * self.n_nodes] self.b_out = self.r_xy[2 * self.n_nodes: 3 * self.n_nodes] self.b_in = self.r_xy[3 * self.n_nodes:] def _set_solved_problem_decm_exp(self, solution): if self.full_return: # conversion from theta to x self.r_xy = np.exp(-solution[0]) self.comput_time = solution[1] self.n_steps = solution[2] self.norm_seq = solution[3] self.diff_seq = solution[4] self.alfa_seq = solution[5] else: # conversion from theta to x self.r_xy = np.exp(-solution) self.x = self.r_xy[: self.n_nodes] self.y = self.r_xy[self.n_nodes: 2 * self.n_nodes] self.b_out = self.r_xy[2 * self.n_nodes: 3 * self.n_nodes] self.b_in = self.r_xy[3 * self.n_nodes:] def _set_solved_problem(self, solution): model = self.last_model if model in ["dcm"]: self._set_solved_problem_dcm(solution) if model in ["dcm_exp"]: self._set_solved_problem_dcm_exp(solution) elif model in ["decm"]: self._set_solved_problem_decm(solution) elif model in ["decm_exp"]: self._set_solved_problem_decm_exp(solution) elif model in ["crema", "crema-sparse"]: self._set_solved_problem_crema_directed(solution)
[docs] def degree_reduction(self): """Carries out degree reduction for DBCM. The graph should be initialized. """ self.dseq = np.array(list(zip(self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in))) ( self.r_dseq, self.r_index_dseq, self.r_invert_dseq, self.r_multiplicity ) = np.unique( self.dseq, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True, axis=0, ) self.rnz_dseq_out = self.r_dseq[:, 0] self.rnz_dseq_in = self.r_dseq[:, 1] self.nz_index_out = np.nonzero(self.rnz_dseq_out)[0] self.nz_index_in = np.nonzero(self.rnz_dseq_in)[0] self.rnz_n_out = self.rnz_dseq_out.size self.rnz_n_in = self.rnz_dseq_in.size self.rnz_dim = self.rnz_n_out + self.rnz_n_in self.is_reduced = True
def _set_initial_guess(self, model): if model in ["dcm"]: self._set_initial_guess_dcm() if model in ["dcm_exp"]: self._set_initial_guess_dcm_exp() elif model in ["decm"]: self._set_initial_guess_decm() elif model in ["decm_exp"]: self._set_initial_guess_decm_exp() elif model in ["crema", "crema-sparse"]: self._set_initial_guess_crema_directed() def _set_initial_guess_dcm(self): # The preselected initial guess works best usually. # The suggestion is, if this does not work, # trying with random initial conditions several times. # If you want to customize the initial guess, # remember that the code starts with a reduced number # of rows and columns. # remember if you insert your choice as initial choice, # it should be numpy.ndarray if ~self.is_reduced: self.degree_reduction() if isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): # we reduce the full x0, it's not very honest # but it's better to ask to provide an already reduced x0 self.r_x = self.initial_guess[:self.n_nodes][self.r_index_dseq] self.r_y = self.initial_guess[self.n_nodes:][self.r_index_dseq] elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.initial_guess == 'degrees_minor': # This +1 increases the stability of the solutions. self.r_x = self.rnz_dseq_out / (np.sqrt(self.n_edges) + 1) self.r_y = self.rnz_dseq_in / (np.sqrt(self.n_edges) + 1) elif self.initial_guess == "random": self.r_x = np.random.rand(self.rnz_n_out).astype(np.float64) self.r_y = np.random.rand(self.rnz_n_in).astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "uniform": # All probabilities will be 1/2 initially self.r_x = 0.5 * np.ones(self.rnz_n_out, dtype=np.float64) self.r_y = 0.5 * np.ones(self.rnz_n_in, dtype=np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "degrees": self.r_x = self.rnz_dseq_out.astype(np.float64) self.r_y = self.rnz_dseq_in.astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "chung_lu": self.r_x = self.rnz_dseq_out.astype(np.float64) / \ (2*self.n_edges) self.r_y = self.rnz_dseq_in.astype(np.float64)/(2*self.n_edges) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not an available initial guess'.format( self.initial_guess ) ) else: raise TypeError('initial_guess must be str or numpy.ndarray') self.r_x[self.rnz_dseq_out == 0] = 0 self.r_y[self.rnz_dseq_in == 0] = 0 self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.r_x, self.r_y)) def _set_initial_guess_dcm_exp(self): # The preselected initial guess works best usually. # The suggestion is, if this does not work, # trying with random initial conditions several times. # If you want to customize the initial guess, remember that the code # starts with a reduced number of rows and columns. if ~self.is_reduced: self.degree_reduction() if isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): # we reduce the full x0, it's not very honest # but it's better to ask to provide an already reduced x0 self.r_x = self.initial_guess[:self.n_nodes][self.r_index_dseq] self.r_y = self.initial_guess[self.n_nodes:][self.r_index_dseq] elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.initial_guess == 'degrees_minor': self.r_x = self.rnz_dseq_out / ( np.sqrt(self.n_edges) + 1 ) # This +1 increases the stability of the solutions. self.r_y = self.rnz_dseq_in / (np.sqrt(self.n_edges) + 1) elif self.initial_guess == "random": self.r_x = np.random.rand(self.rnz_n_out).astype(np.float64) self.r_y = np.random.rand(self.rnz_n_in).astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "uniform": self.r_x = 0.5 * np.ones( self.rnz_n_out, dtype=np.float64 ) # All probabilities will be 1/2 initially self.r_y = 0.5 * np.ones(self.rnz_n_in, dtype=np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "degrees": self.r_x = self.rnz_dseq_out.astype(np.float64) self.r_y = self.rnz_dseq_in.astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "chung_lu": self.r_x = self.rnz_dseq_out.astype(np.float64) / \ (2*self.n_edges) self.r_y = self.rnz_dseq_in.astype(np.float64) / \ (2*self.n_edges) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not an available initial guess'.format( self.initial_guess ) ) else: raise TypeError('initial_guess must be str or numpy.ndarray') not_zero_ind_x = self.r_x != 0 self.r_x[not_zero_ind_x] = -np.log(self.r_x[not_zero_ind_x]) self.r_x[self.rnz_dseq_out == 0] = 1e3 not_zero_ind_y = self.r_y != 0 self.r_y[not_zero_ind_y] = -np.log(self.r_y[not_zero_ind_y]) self.r_y[self.rnz_dseq_in == 0] = 1e3 self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.r_x, self.r_y)) def _set_initial_guess_crema_directed(self): # The preselected initial guess works best usually. # The suggestion is, if this does not work, # trying with random initial conditions several times. # If you want to customize the initial guess, remember that # the code starts with a reduced number of rows and columns. # TODO: mettere un self.is_weighted bool if isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): self.b_out = self.initial_guess[:self.n_nodes] self.b_in = self.initial_guess[self.n_nodes:] elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.initial_guess == "strengths": self.b_out = (self.out_strength > 0).astype( float ) / self.out_strength.sum() self.b_in = (self.in_strength > 0).astype( float ) / self.in_strength.sum() elif self.initial_guess == "strengths_minor": # This +1 increases the stability of the solutions. self.b_out = (self.out_strength > 0).astype(float) / ( self.out_strength + 1 ) self.b_in = (self.in_strength > 0).astype(float) / ( self.in_strength + 1 ) elif self.initial_guess == "random": self.b_out = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) self.b_in = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not an available initial guess'.format( self.initial_guess ) ) else: raise TypeError('initial_guess must be str or numpy.ndarray') self.b_out[self.out_strength == 0] = 0 self.b_in[self.in_strength == 0] = 0 self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.b_out, self.b_in)) def _set_initial_guess_decm(self): # The preselected initial guess works best usually. # The suggestion is, if this does not work, # trying with random initial conditions several times. # If you want to customize the initial guess, # remember that the code starts with a reduced number # of rows and columns. if isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): self.x = self.initial_guess[:self.n_nodes] self.y = self.initial_guess[self.n_nodes:2*self.n_nodes] self.b_out = self.initial_guess[2*self.n_nodes:3*self.n_nodes] self.b_in = self.initial_guess[3*self.n_nodes:] elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.initial_guess == 'strengths': self.x = self.dseq_out.astype(float) / (self.n_edges + 1) self.y = self.dseq_in.astype(float) / (self.n_edges + 1) self.b_out = ( self.out_strength.astype(float) / self.out_strength.sum() ) # This +1 increases the stability of the solutions. self.b_in = self.in_strength.astype(float) /\ self.in_strength.sum() elif self.initial_guess == "strengths_minor": self.x = np.ones_like(self.dseq_out) / (self.dseq_out + 1) self.y = np.ones_like(self.dseq_in) / (self.dseq_in + 1) self.b_out = np.ones_like(self.out_strength) / ( self.out_strength + 1 ) self.b_in = np.ones_like(self.in_strength) /\ (self.in_strength + 1) elif self.initial_guess == "random": self.x = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) self.y = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) self.b_out = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) self.b_in = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "uniform": # All probabilities will be 0.9 initially self.x = 0.9 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) self.y = 0.9 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) self.b_out = 0.9 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) self.b_in = 0.9 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not an available initial guess'.format( self.initial_guess ) ) else: raise TypeError('initial_guess must be str or numpy.ndarray') self.x[self.dseq_out == 0] = 0 self.y[self.dseq_in == 0] = 0 self.b_out[self.out_strength == 0] = 0 self.b_in[self.in_strength == 0] = 0 self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.x, self.y, self.b_out, self.b_in)) def _set_initial_guess_decm_exp(self): # The preselected initial guess works best usually. # The suggestion is, if this does not work, # trying with random initial conditions several times. # If you want to customize the initial guess, remember that # the code starts with a reduced number of rows and columns. if isinstance(self.initial_guess, np.ndarray): self.x = self.initial_guess[:self.n_nodes] self.y = self.initial_guess[self.n_nodes:2*self.n_nodes] self.b_out = self.initial_guess[2*self.n_nodes:3*self.n_nodes] self.b_in = self.initial_guess[3*self.n_nodes:] elif isinstance(self.initial_guess, str): if self.initial_guess == "strengths": self.x = self.dseq_out.astype(float) / (self.n_edges + 1) self.y = self.dseq_in.astype(float) / (self.n_edges + 1) self.b_out = ( self.out_strength.astype(float) / self.out_strength.sum() ) # This +1 increases the stability of the solutions. self.b_in = self.in_strength.astype(float) /\ self.in_strength.sum() elif self.initial_guess == "strengths_minor": self.x = np.ones_like(self.dseq_out) / (self.dseq_out + 1) self.y = np.ones_like(self.dseq_in) / (self.dseq_in + 1) self.b_out = np.ones_like(self.out_strength) / ( self.out_strength + 1 ) self.b_in = np.ones_like(self.in_strength) /\ (self.in_strength + 1) elif self.initial_guess == "random": self.x = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) self.y = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) self.b_out = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) self.b_in = np.random.rand(self.n_nodes).astype(np.float64) elif self.initial_guess == "uniform": self.x = 0.1 * np.ones( self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64 ) # All probabilities will be 1/2 initially self.y = 0.1 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) self.b_out = 0.1 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) self.b_in = 0.1 * np.ones(self.n_nodes, dtype=np.float64) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not an available initial guess'.format( self.initial_guess ) ) else: raise TypeError('initial_guess must be str or numpy.ndarray') not_zero_ind_x = self.x != 0 self.x[not_zero_ind_x] = -np.log(self.x[not_zero_ind_x]) not_zero_ind_y = self.y != 0 self.y[not_zero_ind_y] = -np.log(self.y[not_zero_ind_y]) not_zero_ind_b_out = self.b_out != 0 self.b_out[not_zero_ind_b_out] = -np.log( self.b_out[not_zero_ind_b_out]) not_zero_ind_b_in = self.b_in != 0 self.b_in[not_zero_ind_b_in] = -np.log(self.b_in[not_zero_ind_b_in]) self.x[self.dseq_out == 0] = 1e3 self.y[self.dseq_in == 0] = 1e3 self.b_out[self.out_strength == 0] = 1e3 self.b_in[self.in_strength == 0] = 1e3 self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.x, self.y, self.b_out, self.b_in)) def _solution_error(self): if self.last_model in ["dcm_exp", "dcm", "crema", "crema-sparse"]: if (self.x is not None) and (self.y is not None): sol = np.concatenate((self.x, self.y)) ex_k_out = mof.expected_out_degree_dcm(sol) ex_k_in = mof.expected_in_degree_dcm(sol) ex_k = np.concatenate((ex_k_out, ex_k_in)) k = np.concatenate((self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in)) # print(k, ex_k) self.expected_dseq = ex_k # error output self.error_degree = np.linalg.norm(ex_k - k, ord=np.inf) self.relative_error_degree = np.linalg.norm( (ex_k - k) / (k + + np.exp(-100)), ord=np.inf ) self.error = self.error_degree if (self.b_out is not None) and (self.b_in is not None): sol = np.concatenate([self.b_out, self.b_in]) if self.is_sparse: ex_s_out = mof.expected_out_strength_crema_directed_sparse( sol, self.adjacency_crema ) ex_s_in = mof.expected_in_stregth_crema_directed_sparse( sol, self.adjacency_crema ) else: ex_s_out = mof.expected_out_strength_crema_directed( sol, self.adjacency_crema ) ex_s_in = mof.expected_in_stregth_crema_directed( sol, self.adjacency_crema ) ex_s = np.concatenate([ex_s_out, ex_s_in]) s = np.concatenate([self.out_strength, self.in_strength]) self.expected_stregth_seq = ex_s # error output self.error_strength = np.linalg.norm(ex_s - s, ord=np.inf) self.relative_error_strength = np.max( abs( (ex_s - s) / (s + np.exp(-100)) ) ) if self.adjacency_given: self.error = self.error_strength else: self.error = max(self.error_strength, self.error_degree) # potremmo strutturarlo così per evitare ridondanze elif self.last_model in ["decm", "decm_exp"]: sol = np.concatenate((self.x, self.y, self.b_out, self.b_in)) ex = mof.expected_decm(sol) k = np.concatenate( ( self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in, self.out_strength, self.in_strength, ) ) self.expected_dseq = ex[: 2 * self.n_nodes] self.expected_strength_seq = ex[2 * self.n_nodes:] # error putput self.error_degree = max( abs( ( np.concatenate((self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in)) - self.expected_dseq ) ) ) self.error_strength = max( abs( np.concatenate((self.out_strength, self.in_strength)) - self.expected_strength_seq ) ) self.relative_error_strength = max( abs( (np.concatenate((self.out_strength, self.in_strength)) - self.expected_strength_seq) / np.concatenate((self.out_strength, self.in_strength) + np.exp(-100)) ) ) self.relative_error_degree = max( abs( (np.concatenate((self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in)) - self.expected_dseq) / np.concatenate((self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in) + np.exp(-100)) ) ) self.error = np.linalg.norm(ex - k, ord=np.inf) def _set_args(self, model): if model in ["crema", "crema-sparse"]: self.args = ( self.out_strength, self.in_strength, self.adjacency_crema, self.nz_index_sout, self.nz_index_sin, ) elif model in ["dcm", "dcm_exp"]: self.args = ( self.rnz_dseq_out, self.rnz_dseq_in, self.nz_index_out, self.nz_index_in, self.r_multiplicity, ) elif model in ["decm", "decm_exp"]: self.args = ( self.dseq_out, self.dseq_in, self.out_strength, self.in_strength, ) def _initialize_problem(self, model, method): self._set_initial_guess(model) self._set_args(model) mod_met = "-" mod_met = mod_met.join([model, method]) d_fun = { "dcm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_dcm(x, self.args), "dcm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_dcm( x, self.args ), "dcm-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.iterative_dcm(x, self.args), "dcm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_dcm_exp( x, self.args ), "dcm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_dcm_exp( x, self.args ), "dcm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.iterative_dcm_exp(x, self.args), "crema-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_crema_directed( x, self.args ), "crema-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_crema_directed( x, self.args ), "crema-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.iterative_crema_directed(x, self.args), "decm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_decm(x, self.args), "decm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_decm( x, self.args ), "decm-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.iterative_decm(x, self.args), "decm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_decm_exp( x, self.args ), "decm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_decm_exp( x, self.args ), "decm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.iterative_decm_exp(x, self.args), "crema-sparse-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_crema_directed_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_prime_crema_directed_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.iterative_crema_directed_sparse( x, self.args ), } d_fun_jac = { "dcm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_dcm(x, self.args), "dcm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_dcm( x, self.args ), "dcm-fixed-point": None, "dcm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_dcm_exp( x, self.args ), "dcm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_dcm_exp( x, self.args ), "dcm_exp-fixed-point": None, "crema-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_crema_directed( x, self.args ), "crema-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_crema_directed( x, self.args ), "crema-fixed-point": None, "decm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_decm(x, self.args), "decm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_decm( x, self.args ), "decm-fixed-point": None, "decm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_decm_exp( x, self.args ), "decm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_decm_exp( x, self.args ), "decm_exp-fixed-point": None, "crema-sparse-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_crema_directed( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_hessian_diag_crema_directed_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-fixed-point": None, } d_fun_step = { "dcm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_dcm(x, self.args), "dcm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_dcm(x, self.args), "dcm-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_dcm(x, self.args), "dcm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_dcm_exp(x, self.args), "dcm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_dcm_exp( x, self.args ), "dcm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_dcm_exp( x, self.args ), "crema-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_directed(x, self.args), "crema-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_directed( x, self.args ), "crema-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_directed( x, self.args ), "decm-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_decm(x, self.args), "decm-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_decm(x, self.args), "decm-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_decm(x, self.args), "decm_exp-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_decm_exp(x, self.args), "decm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_decm_exp( x, self.args ), "decm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_decm_exp( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-newton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_directed_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-quasinewton": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_directed_sparse( x, self.args ), "crema-sparse-fixed-point": lambda x: -mof.loglikelihood_crema_directed_sparse( x, self.args ), } try: = d_fun[mod_met] self.fun_jac = d_fun_jac[mod_met] self.step_fun = d_fun_step[mod_met] except: # TODO: remove bare excpets raise ValueError( 'Method must be "newton","quasinewton", or "fixed-point".' ) # TODO: mancano metodi d_pmatrix = {"dcm": mof.pmatrix_dcm, "dcm_exp": mof.pmatrix_dcm} # Così basta aggiungere il decm e funziona tutto if model in ["dcm", "dcm_exp"]: self.args_p = ( self.n_nodes, np.nonzero(self.dseq_out)[0], np.nonzero(self.dseq_in)[0], ) self.fun_pmatrix = lambda x: d_pmatrix[model](x, self.args_p) args_lin = { "dcm": (mof.loglikelihood_dcm, self.args), "crema": (mof.loglikelihood_crema_directed, self.args), "crema-sparse": (mof.loglikelihood_crema_directed_sparse, self.args), "decm": (mof.loglikelihood_decm, self.args), "dcm_exp": (mof.loglikelihood_dcm_exp, self.args), "decm_exp": (mof.loglikelihood_decm_exp, self.args), } self.args_lins = args_lin[model] lins_fun = { "dcm-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DCM(x, self.args_lins), "dcm-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DCM(x, self.args_lins), "dcm-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DCM_fixed(x), "dcm_exp-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DCM_exp( x, self.args_lins), "dcm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DCM_exp( x, self.args_lins), "dcm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DCM_exp_fixed(x), "crema-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_directed(x, self.args_lins), "crema-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_directed( x, self.args_lins), "crema-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_directed_fixed(x), "crema-sparse-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_directed( x, self.args_lins), "crema-sparse-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_directed( x, self.args_lins), "crema-sparse-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_crema_directed_fixed( x), "decm-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DECM( x, self.args_lins), "decm-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DECM( x, self.args_lins), "decm-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DECM_fixed(x), "decm_exp-newton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DECM_exp( x, self.args_lins), "decm_exp-quasinewton": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DECM_exp( x, self.args_lins), "decm_exp-fixed-point": lambda x: mof.linsearch_fun_DECM_exp_fixed(x), } self.fun_linsearch = lins_fun[mod_met] hess_reg = { "dcm": sof.matrix_regulariser_function_eigen_based, "dcm_exp": sof.matrix_regulariser_function, "decm": sof.matrix_regulariser_function_eigen_based, "decm_exp": sof.matrix_regulariser_function, "crema": sof.matrix_regulariser_function, "crema-sparse": sof.matrix_regulariser_function, } self.hessian_regulariser = hess_reg[model] if isinstance(self.regularise, str): if self.regularise == "eigenvalues": self.hessian_regulariser = \ sof.matrix_regulariser_function_eigen_based elif self.regularise == "identity": self.hessian_regulariser = sof.matrix_regulariser_function def _solve_problem_crema_directed( self, initial_guess=None, model="crema", adjacency="dcm", method="quasinewton", method_adjacency="newton", initial_guess_adjacency="random", max_steps=100, tol=1e-8, eps=1e-8, full_return=False, verbose=False, linsearch=True, regularise=True, regularise_eps=1e-3, ): if model == "crema-sparse": self.is_sparse = True else: self.is_sparse = False if not isinstance(adjacency, (list, np.ndarray, str)) and ( not scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(adjacency) ): raise ValueError("adjacency must be a matrix or a method") elif isinstance(adjacency, str): self._solve_problem( initial_guess=initial_guess_adjacency, model=adjacency, method=method_adjacency, max_steps=max_steps, tol=tol, eps=eps, full_return=full_return, verbose=verbose, ) if self.is_sparse: self.adjacency_crema = (self.x, self.y) self.adjacency_given = False else: pmatrix = self.fun_pmatrix(np.concatenate([self.x, self.y])) raw_ind, col_ind = np.nonzero(pmatrix) raw_ind = raw_ind.astype(np.int64) col_ind = col_ind.astype(np.int64) weigths_value = pmatrix[raw_ind, col_ind] self.adjacency_crema = (raw_ind, col_ind, weigths_value) self.is_sparse = False self.adjacency_given = False elif isinstance(adjacency, list): adjacency = np.array(adjacency).astype(np.float64) raw_ind, col_ind = np.nonzero(adjacency) raw_ind = raw_ind.astype(np.int64) col_ind = col_ind.astype(np.int64) weigths_value = adjacency[raw_ind, col_ind] self.adjacency_crema = (raw_ind, col_ind, weigths_value) self.is_sparse = False self.adjacency_given = True elif isinstance(adjacency, np.ndarray): adjacency = adjacency.astype(np.float64) raw_ind, col_ind = np.nonzero(adjacency) raw_ind = raw_ind.astype(np.int64) col_ind = col_ind.astype(np.int64) weigths_value = adjacency[raw_ind, col_ind] self.adjacency_crema = (raw_ind, col_ind, weigths_value) self.is_sparse = False self.adjacency_given = True elif scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(adjacency): raw_ind, col_ind = adjacency.nonzero() raw_ind = raw_ind.astype(np.int64) col_ind = col_ind.astype(np.int64) weigths_value = (adjacency[raw_ind, col_ind].A1).astype(np.float64) self.adjacency_crema = (raw_ind, col_ind, weigths_value) self.is_sparse = False self.adjacency_given = True if self.is_sparse: self.last_model = "crema-sparse" else: self.last_model = model self.regularise = regularise self.full_return = full_return self.initial_guess = initial_guess self._initialize_problem(self.last_model, method) x0 = self.x0 sol = sof.solver( x0,, fun_jac=self.fun_jac, step_fun=self.step_fun, linsearch_fun=self.fun_linsearch, hessian_regulariser=self.hessian_regulariser, tol=tol, eps=eps, max_steps=max_steps, method=method, verbose=verbose, regularise=regularise, regularise_eps=regularise_eps, linsearch=linsearch, full_return=full_return, ) self._set_solved_problem_crema_directed(sol) def _set_solved_problem_crema_directed(self, solution): if self.full_return: self.b_out = solution[0][: self.n_nodes] self.b_in = solution[0][self.n_nodes:] self.comput_time_crema = solution[1] self.n_steps_crema = solution[2] self.norm_seq_crema = solution[3] self.diff_seq_crema = solution[4] self.alfa_seq_crema = solution[5] else: self.b_out = solution[: self.n_nodes] self.b_in = solution[self.n_nodes:]
[docs] def solve_tool( self, model, method, initial_guess=None, adjacency=None, method_adjacency='newton', initial_guess_adjacency="random", max_steps=100, full_return=False, verbose=False, linsearch=True, tol=1e-8, eps=1e-8, ): """The function solves the ERGM optimization problem from a range of available models. The user can choose among three optimization methods. The graph should be initialized. :param model: Available models are: - *dcm*: solves DBCM respect to the parameters *x* and "y" of the loglikelihood function, it works for uweighted directed graphs [insert ref]. - *dcm_exp*: differently from the *dcm* option, *dcm_exp* considers the exponents of *x* and *y* as parameters [insert ref]. - *decm*: solves DECM respect to the parameters *a_out*, *a_in*, *b_out* and *b_in* of the loglikelihood function, it is conceived for weighted directed graphs [insert ref]. - *decm_exp*: differently from the *decm* option, *decm_exp* considers the exponents of *a_out*, *a_in*, *b_out* and *b_in** as parameters [insert ref]. - *crema*: solves CReMa for a weighted directd graphs. In order to compute beta parameters, it requires information about the binary structure of the network. These can be provided by the user by using *adjacency* paramenter. - *crema-sparse*: alternative implementetio of *crema* for large graphs. The *creama-sparse* model doesn't compute the binary probability matrix avoing memory problems for large graphs. :type model: str :param method: Available methods to solve the given *model* are: - *newton*: uses Newton-Rhapson method to solve the selected model, it can be memory demanding for *crema* because it requires the computation of the entire Hessian matrix. This method is not available for *creama-sparse*. - *quasinewton*: uses Newton-Rhapson method with Hessian matrix approximated by its principal diagonal to find parameters maximising loglikelihood function. - *fixed-point*: uses a fixed-point method to find parameters maximising loglikelihood function. :type method: str :param initial_guess: Starting point solution may affect the results of the optization process. The user can provid an initial guess or choose between the following options: - **Binary Models**: - *random*: random numbers in (0, 1); - *uniform*: uniform initial guess in (0, 1); - *degrees*: initial guess of each node is proportianal to its degree; - *degrees_minor*: initial guess of each node is inversely proportional to its degree; - *chung_lu*: initial guess given by Chung-Lu formula; - **Weighted Models**: - *random*: random numbers in (0, 1); - *uniform*: uniform initial guess in (0, 1); - *strengths*: initial guess of each node is proportianal to its stength; - *strengths_minor*: initial guess of each node is inversely proportional to its strength; :type initial_guess: str, optional :param adjacency: Adjacency can be a binary method (defaults is *dcm_exp*) or an adjacency matrix. :type adjacency: str or numpy.ndarray, optional :param method_adjacency: If adjacency is a *model*, it is the *methdod* used to solve it. Defaults to "newton". :type method_adjacency: str, optional :param initial_guess_adjacency: If adjacency is a *model*, it is the chosen initial guess. Defaults to "random". :type initial_guess_adjacency: str, optional :param max_steps: maximum number of iteration, defaults to 100. :type max_steps: int, optional :param full_return: If True the algorithm returns more statistics than the obtained solution, defaults to False. :type full_return: bool, optional :param verbose: If True the algorithm prints a bunch of statistics at each step, defaults to False. :type verbose: bool, optional :param linsearch: If True the linsearch function is active, defaults to True. :type linsearch: bool, optional :param tol: parameter controlling the tollerance of the norm the gradient function, defaults to 1e-8. :type tol: float, optional :param eps: parameter controlling the tollerance of the difference between two iterations, defaults to 1e-8. :type eps: float, optional """ # TODO: aggiungere tutti i metodi if model in ["dcm", "dcm_exp", "decm", "decm_exp"]: self._solve_problem( initial_guess=initial_guess, model=model, method=method, max_steps=max_steps, full_return=full_return, verbose=verbose, linsearch=linsearch, tol=tol, eps=eps, ) elif model in ["crema", 'crema-sparse']: self._solve_problem_crema_directed( initial_guess=initial_guess, model=model, adjacency=adjacency, method=method, method_adjacency = method_adjacency, initial_guess_adjacency = initial_guess_adjacency, max_steps=max_steps, full_return=full_return, verbose=verbose, linsearch=linsearch, tol=tol, eps=eps, ) self._solution_error() if verbose: print("\nmin eig = {}".format(self.error))
[docs] def ensemble_sampler(self, n, cpu_n=1, output_dir="sample/", seed=42): """The function sample a given number of graphs in the ensemble generated from the last model solved. Each grpah is an edgelist written in the output directory as `.txt` file. The function is parallelised and can run on multiple cpus. :param n: Number of graphs to sample. :type n: int :param cpu_n: Number of cpus to use, defaults to 1. :type cpu_n: int, optional :param output_dir: Name of the output directory, defaults to "sample/". :type output_dir: str, optional :param seed: Random seed, defaults to 42. :type seed: int, optional :raises ValueError: [description] """ # al momento funziona solo sull'ultimo problema risolto # unico input possibile e' la cartella dove salvare i samples # ed il numero di samples # create the output directory if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # compute the sample # seed specification np.random.seed(seed) s = [np.random.randint(0, 1000000) for i in range(n)] if self.last_model in ["dcm", "dcm_exp"]: iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_dcm_graph( outfile_name=item, x=self.x, y=self.y, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 elif self.last_model in ["decm", "decm_exp"]: iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_decm_graph( outfile_name=item, a_out=self.x, a_in=self.y, b_out=self.b_out, b_in=self.b_in, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 elif self.last_model in ["crema"]: if self.adjacency_given: # deterministic adj matrix iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_crema_decm_det_graph( outfile_name=item, beta=(self.b_out, self.b_in), adj=self.adjacency_crema, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 else: # probabilistic adj matrix iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_crema_decm_prob_graph( outfile_name=item, beta=(self.b_out, self.b_in), adj=self.adjacency_crema, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 elif self.last_model in ["crema-sparse"]: if not self.adjacency_given: # probabilistic adj matrix iter_files = iter( output_dir + "{}.txt".format(i) for i in range(n)) i = 0 for item in iter_files: eg.ensemble_sampler_crema_sparse_decm_prob_graph( outfile_name=item, beta=(self.b_out, self.b_in), adj=self.adjacency_crema, cpu_n=cpu_n, seed=s[i]) i += 1 else: raise ValueError("insert a model")